Saturday, August 20, 2011

Feed Me Friday!!! and the Proposal of other Days...

Yes, I know today is Saturday, but meh... Whatcha gonna do 'bout it? huh?

And I thought of this late last night... so the thought process was still working and here's my thoughts written down.

Starting THIS coming week... (can I get a drumroll, please?) I'll be writing/posting MORE! Woohoo! I'm thinking I'm going to have "days" (and hopefully... when I can... posts in between, as well). But, someone had commented to me (on another post I posted... of all things! YES! I totally DO read your comments and take them to heart!) that she specifies a certain day for a certain thing, and this sort of keeps her on a schedule.

School has started back, and I'm seriously trying to get on a schedule for ME! Yes... I said ME! ME does exist, it's not just for the kids or the hubs, ya know...


Mondays - Queen of My Craftroom's Monday Mojo - where I post Design Team challenges that I've linked to her blog. By all means, please feel free to go to the Queen's blog as well, and see what the other designers and challenge-takers have done, as well!

Tuesday - Tip-sy Tuesday - where I post tips whether they be crafty, gardener-esque, shopping-esque, cooking-esque, or just general-wannabe-knowledge-esque. Pretty much what I've learned or found out through experience or others. And I totally love to give credit where credit is due, so if you'd like to share a tip, send it HERE (please... no SPAM!) I'd love to give you a shout-out and link up to your blog or website as well, so let's open the communication lines and begin a wonderful relationship! And I may even feature tipsters who haven't sent me anything... my friends and lovely/loyal followers and commenters... I love you all!

Wednesday - Wordless Wednesday - where... yeah... I post a picture that's worth more than words. I usually link up to Two of a Kind Working on a Full House, where she's got great tips and contests (win some FREEBIES everyone!) on everything from parenting to just life in general, and the Wordless Wednesday "HQ". Lots of my following friends (including A Nut in a Nutshell - another awesome friend with contests and tips!) It's fun to see what everyone's been up to and what thoughts/pics they have on the brain... Click around and check their posts out. Make some friends... I do! AND PLEASE!!! Leave comment love for peeps. Everyone needs a scratch on the back!

Thursday - Mama Kat's Losin' It Writer's Workshop (Writing Prompts) - on Sunday or (sometimes) Monday, Mama Kat posts some writing prompts, and a bunch of us "writers" post, based on these prompts. They are often fun and sometimes humorous, but sometimes sad, so... grab some tissue and jump around, because the tears will be flowing, either by hilariousness or compassion. And once again, this is a great way to visit others, leave some comments, and make new friends.

Friday - Feed Me! Friday - I'll either post a recipe that I've tried out with a photo tutorial and/or *gasp* maybe even a video or... a review of a restaurant or food product I've tried and what I opine about it... and for those of you who know me... I have LOTS of those! As a matter of fact, last night, we went to a "new" restaurant (new to me, but has been there for years, and I'd just never visited... huh?) and I was being me... analyzing everything. (Yeah... I do THAT!) He told me he didn't want everything to be analyzed... but then proceeded to hand me over a piece of fried tortilla from a chimichanga and asked me what I thought. Well... without "thinking" I started to tell him, then stopped, apologized and said, "Nevermind..." My 17-year-old daughter started cracking up. He didn't get it. Um... yeah... don't tell me NOT to do something and then ask me to do it! Very confusing for the blondness!

Saturday and Sunday are currently freebies for whatever I might decide to do. As... well... I haven't decided just yet. But hey! leave me a comment and tell me what you think of my lineup!!! I totally love that you leave me ideas and such and comments just totally rock (makes me feel like I'm NOT talking/writing to myself so much... hee, hee!) Blast 'em out, Baby!!!

1 comment:

  1. One of the things that I do is to preschedule posts. Often on the weekends, I write posts for the next 3 days, allowing me to then come up with new posts over a 3 days period.


Thanks for sharing the luv! Feel free to look around to other posts. I so appreciate you stopping by and commenting. Love to know you were here! Have a happy day!